My Dallas Visit....

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My Dallas Visit....

Post by mjj9994 »

Well... during my cross-country road trip in the US, I ended up in Dallas on one of my evenings. As my luck had it... guess I was next-door to a couple of young fellows that were feeling a bit randy and from my understanding hired a 'sex worker' to come visit them. Unfortunately... no real action took place as far as I know.... but there was a bit of 'pillow talk' so to speak. As most of my gear is in storage for the next year... ended up with my camcorder next to the wall, trying to record some of the action... but the jest of what I got was one of the guys was reallllly big (she stepped outside to talk to her 'manager and mentioned something... "was the size of my"). But... as is usually my luck... she declined sex with that guy and I am pretty sure nobody else decided to offer services for him after she confirmed his Oh well... maybe some day I will find my elusive sound.

I will try and convert my recording if I get a chance... but as I am with family for the next week... then on the road to my next assignment... don't know if I will have the time. Take care all... hope to be back to the board again soon.

- Mark
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