Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

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Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by Auditory »

Hello all,

It seems most of these 'how-to's' are about using specific types of software, and I for one would like to see a few more collections of users saying how to actually find people having sex in the first place.

While so much of catching sex sounds is down to luck, risks are taken to get captures, and any activity can have its trends identified, its odds improved. I just get the sense that - in an albeit luck-heavy persuit - there might be experienced hobbyists who have found certain places/times to work more than others. Thus yielding more and more varied captures.

I'm relatively new to this, but Ive had a couple close runins, many many hours 'on the beat', and more than a few captures. Of varying types. And while lessons are learned, efficiency could be greatly improved I'm sure, i.e. the ratio between time spent/effort expended/risk taken, to sexsounds found.

I'm not talking about Hotels etc., more in one walking outside, and knowing where to go.

The few lessons i've learned may seem benign, but they make me more and more likely to find ppl having sex just feet away from where I'm standing.

All this depends on which category the capture / target type falls into - i.e. Outdoor day, Outdoor Night (esp. Drunk Hookups outside bars/clubs), Indoor Drunk Hookups (toilet cubicles etc), Residential area (window surfing), Residential Static (neighbors, overheard from your residence), Self-recordings, and Flatmates.

I know there may be other types, but the point is, each has rules of thumb for getting more success, and sharing our experience seems like a good investment in the long run. Give a man a fish, versus Teach a man to fish, is basically what I'm getting at here.

As eloquently and beautifully written as this post is... what I and others like me are looking for, is very unpretentious, direct, straight-to-the-point instructions, tips, and rules of thumb. Instructions, tips and rules of thumb that have nothing to do with technology, and everything to do with being in the right place st the right time.

My interest in particular is:

Outdoor Night (Drunk Hookups i.e. backstreet sex)
Indoor Night (toilet cubicles etc)
Window surfing (Residential, night)

I have a number of captures of various types and qualities, and the only thing keeping me from posting them here, is the wish to benefit from the 'pros' wisdom in return. I dunno if you've seen the old spy movie Kim, about a kid who is taught spycraft from a master spy, but something like that :p Specific observational stuff in it's raw jaded form. Any hints, however bizarre or benign, would be welcomed and may help get more captures.

Ok thats enough reading! Thanks if you made it this far :)
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by physicist »

Strange and a first. No one has asked for wisdom in exchange for recordings. Regardless, I'll post my opinions.

1) Student dorms. Had to beat them for this purpose. Young, horny and uninhibited? check on all.

2) Flatmates who are good at picking up girls. In an ideal situation, I imagine its an old house with very little insulation and all guys live in it are social and good with the opposite sex. I knew of such a house but i never lived in one. I imagine it to be a noise fest from the stories I heard.

3) Outdoor night: this is possible, but only you can research your area. They would be near a club or in a city and such an area would be located nearer to a club or a bar where a hookup is likely to happen. Could also happen in cars in isolated places. We have also had recordings from festivals, which seem to be rather popular for recordings because its mainly a young age group who are half the time on alcohol and the other half on drugs.

4) indoor night: forget about them. you would need to be extremely lucky to know a place where this happens regularly. Its a case of happenstance. Club toilets are likely to be too crowded for something like this to occur not to mention too loud with the club music. There are guys who obviously do get girls within clubs but they are rare and the music wont allow it to happen. Maybe if there are separate handicap toilets but try staying outside with a recorder with hundreds of people around. Personal opinion of mine is that its just a bit disgusting when something happens in a public toilet. Especially at night because they usually smell of stale alcohol and urine.

5) Window surfing is best asked by members here who get it through that. I imagine apartment complex in the summer time could yield results. Popular places where car sex happens is another one.

In my opinion, the first two maximise your chances. Indoor night time such as a club is probably the worst. Random hotels are hit and miss. Researched hotels especially for couples are usually great because reviewers usually mention why they were there and that gives you hints (look out for thin walls in reviews).

And yes, geographical area matters too. French are notorious for being uninhabited. They have the some of the best material to record. Somewhere like SoCal and Vegas too because its expected. You may not have that same thing going on in say in a very conservative country.
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by Auditory »

Thanks for your considered post, Physicist! And for using those categories to break it down in. I don't know if theres a word used for 'window surfing' here, but would love to find others who find captures through that. Where I am, we are having perhaps the longest winter I have ever experienced (April 27th and still frost on cars). So streets yield very little. Can't wait for the day they call 'Summer'!

Hopefully some windowsurfers will see this post or post something they've found through doing it.

Cars, never done, as they're too far out for me generally. Once I was dumped by a girlfriend and took a few beers on a long walk into the hills, and quite by accident, happened on a road overlooking the city that was so busy with...people getting busy, that it looked like a row of a carpark! Wish I was there now, probably the most reliable place I've ever found.

Anyway, maybe i'll send you a few files i've got. But yeah, the exchange of maximising my chances-for-recordings is basically how I see it now. Not because I won't share them for free, I'd like to, but because many seem to be reluctant to otherwise share their experience.
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by mjj9994 »

This is totally out of my wheelhouse as I have zero luck usually (in catching sounds and most anything else) so I prefer to go the record-my-own sessions route. That said, I am inclined to believe there is no magic formula to catching any sounds. Even the hotel sounds, that are in a relatively controlled atmosphere where you can see people going into the room and come to some sort of speculation as to if there may be sex involved is still a crap shoot for the most part. For almost 2 years I lived in a pretty much ideal setting for catching sounds of neighbors in the apartments across from me and not once did I ever hear anything that sounded remotely like sex using a shotgun-mic type of setup and aiming for the windows.

Just seems there are way too many variables involved to be able to have a specific strategy that will work every time for catching random sounds. True, there are things that will increase your chances (seedy motels, prostitute heavy areas, certain holidays like valentines day, etc) but even with all that..luck is still a major part of it. I spent the greater part of a year basically living out of hotels and the one time I did get noisy neighbors that would have been worthy of recording.. it was a gay male couple and all i wanted to do was get some quality sleep that night LOL.

Good luck with your search though and hope you get continued success in your endeavors!
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by physicist »

mjj9994 wrote: 02 May 2017 05:13 This is totally out of my wheelhouse as I have zero luck usually (in catching sounds and most anything else) so I prefer to go the record-my-own sessions route. That said, I am inclined to believe there is no magic formula to catching any sounds. Even the hotel sounds, that are in a relatively controlled atmosphere where you can see people going into the room and come to some sort of speculation as to if there may be sex involved is still a crap shoot for the most part. For almost 2 years I lived in a pretty much ideal setting for catching sounds of neighbors in the apartments across from me and not once did I ever hear anything that sounded remotely like sex using a shotgun-mic type of setup and aiming for the windows.

Just seems there are way too many variables involved to be able to have a specific strategy that will work every time for catching random sounds. True, there are things that will increase your chances (seedy motels, prostitute heavy areas, certain holidays like valentines day, etc) but even with all that..luck is still a major part of it. I spent the greater part of a year basically living out of hotels and the one time I did get noisy neighbors that would have been worthy of recording.. it was a gay male couple and all i wanted to do was get some quality sleep that night LOL.

Good luck with your search though and hope you get continued success in your endeavors!
Maybe your device was faulty but its hardly surprising because to know it clearly, you have to be there present. No body has hearing like superman. :p

Well, it all depends on how you place yourself. Student days and dorms are the most ideal spot. Its where I first heard it and subsequent memories never go away. Living with student housemates is another because sex is almost guaranteed as it happened to me. No matter how quiet she tried to keep, the gap underneath the door was big enough to heard pretty much everything.

Living with guys who are good with girls is another because they always bring in different girls and things happen. This would be my ideal scenario because its low risk and high quality recordings. You just know what will happen because this guys always warn you and that you can simply place a mic because if you are living with one guy you are alone in the apartment with him in his room with his girl, you are outside with a recorder with no chance of anyone coming in. I say this because i have heard of this arrangement a few times.

You sort of have to create that ideal scenario where recordings will happen. There are a few video i have seen on youtube of "flatmates" and from other evidence it seems like the formula.

Seedy motels and prostitute heavy areas are not something i'd listen to. There are love hotels but going in alone to collect sounds isn't a good look.

Sometimes you try and it doesnt happen, but, hey at least you tried :p
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by stev4181 »

Camping is a really good way to collect sounds. It's easy to spot attractive young couples, who often leave to go for food at some stage. A small tent offers little room for alternative sleeping, so you can almost guarantee where their heads will be. Kicking a ball or throwing a Grozny right next to their tent offers the perfect chance to place a usb stick under the outer cover of the tent. Perfect for getting any tiny notice without hanging around and at minimal risk. You can collect the device any time during the night with a trip to the toilets. My only 'beware' on this is that a lot of young couples only stay a night and have a tendency to pack up and move on very early on the morning, so ensure you collect before daylight. Also it's amazing how many couples don't have sex, when you would think it's a dead cert. Happy hunting!!
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by Turmoil123 »

I wish I went camping more because that seems like it could be quite fun and fruitful! (Though I totally understand the pain of couples ultimately not having sex and just being baffled, but then I recount the many times I was in their position and quite reasonably just didn't have sex that night)

Car recordings can be tricky. Unless the windows are cracked (hot summer night) you have to place a mic really close to the car to get anything. New cars are really terrific at keeping outside sound out and inside sound in. Older cars... not so much ;)

As for pure outdoor (not in cars). I think the most important thing is to know the area, know it really well. You have to pick up your own tendencies for this since there are far less similarities from situation to situation as compared to hotel surfing.
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Re: Techniques for finding couples through windows/drunken backstreet sex - before I share files

Post by Turmoil123 »

So I'm in a hotel (for the first time in a long time) this weekend and the floor is a secluded space with ample door gap and places to plant a mic. But... surrounded by families and elderly couples.

Goes back to subject first, then worry about the location second
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