Bellagio - anyone had any success?

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Bellagio - anyone had any success?

Post by myadpass »

Staying at the Bellagio in Vegas soon. Have had luck at Luxor and Mandalay Bay with captures. Any thoughts on Bellagio? Anyone had captures here? Any advice?

Also, I used to use memorex/olympus digital recorders but have switched to the USB devices recently. Has anyone spent time comparing the quality? Unfortunately, I've had a couple of the expensive DR's swiped in the past, so I've switched to the cheaper USB models but I haven't yet had enough results to determine the quality difference.
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Re: Bellagio - anyone had any success?

Post by AdamMK0147 »

well that oddly depends as you might not always get a couple staying next door to you as I've had more luck catching " couples " making love at the Rio Hotel and suites in Las Vegas but it catching sounds was'nt the easiest attempt because people would be coming in and out of the Elevators and plus the doors did'nt have much clearance under it so it was impossible to catch anything unless you were to lean in really close to the door but as far as trying to record it was a big risks because you don't know if someone could open the door while your trying to record so you really have to be careful how you go about catching sounds in the corridors then there's always the surprise you would get from Security as when I stayed in Las Vegas I did'nt know any Security camera's in the hallways at all but it shocked me when I almost got caught but since the recent Las Vegas shooting hotels have stepped up their Security game as if they notice you being suspicious they will send a Security Guard and an EMT after you that is also trained in being a Security Guard so you really have to be careful because one wrong mistake could land you in Jail or kicked out of the hotel or worse being on the 6pm news in Las Vegas but I'm sure you don't want to go that route but back to what I was saying about Security in Las Vegas hotels are really paranoid about who goes in and out of Elevators as they have camera's inside the Elevators as well so you're being watched live while your going up to whichever tower your staying at but also stay alert when you hear the doors of the Elevators opening and closing because you don't know who could come down your way so if someone does then ditch what your doing and act like your playing on your phone that way you can draw attention away from yourself without looking like your up to something but anyway Just becareful and stay safe bro.
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Re: Bellagio - anyone had any success?

Post by AdamMK0147 »

and also the best time to catch sounds of couples making love are during the hours between 2am and 3am and 5am I've had luck catching sounds during those hours but anything before it you won't have very much luck but do listen for moans and loud music or tv's being turned up that's how you can tell a couple is fixing to make love.
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