my wife heard them too

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my wife heard them too

Post by xyzdowme »

There have been a couple of times when I have been with my wife and heard interesting things. The first time I remember was when we were in Amsterdam. We had been out touring the city, and returned to the hotel in the evening. It was pretty warm and we had the windows open.

We were just sitting around the room when I heard a crying sound from outside. It was a peculiar kind of cry, and I innocently asked my wife it that was a baby crying - she laughed and said no that she was pretty sure it was a woman having an orgasm. Sure enough there were several more moans and cries in short succession that made clear she was right.

When we went to bed later that night we again heard the sounds of orgasmic moans. I was hard already and reached over and found my wife’s nipples hard and her pussy wet. It didn’t take too long before we were adding to the night’s sounds of joy.

Another time we lived next door to a house that had a young couple living in it. The woman was quite attractive, and I had seen her a couple of times sunbathing in her yard topless.

In spite of the fact that the houses were pretty close together, and the window of their bedroom faced ours, I had never heard anything “interesting” from them.

Then one evening, not too late, we had been watching t.v. and I went down the hall to the bathroom. When I finished and was returning to the livingroom I heard a sound through our bedroom (it was summer and the windows were open) and went in to see what it was. As I got closer to the window I realized that the sound was the steady squeaking of bedsprings - they were quite loud and there was a steady pace, no doubt what was going on.

When I returned to the living room I commented to my wife that somebody next door was using a trampoline - she asked what I meant, then followed me into the bedroom and heard for herself.

She commented in a sort of angry voice that the husband from next door was on a trip overseas (which I hadn’t known) and that she must be with her old boyfriend, making some kind of comment about her being a woman.

Still when we got to bed that night my wife was very responsive - I don’t think she’d openly admit to enjoying hearing others having sex, but it does seem to stimulate her. If I could just arrange that to happen a little more often.
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Re: my wife heard them too

Post by Neo0272 »

great and very interesting story... BUT... man you need a recorder to share ;-)
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Re: my wife heard them too

Post by sc0tt-uk »

What you have here Xyz is one of the many dilemmas of being an audio-voyeur. I know for a fact that the current Mrs Sc0tt gets a thrill out of hearing other people in the act, not enough to record it sadly, but enough to pass comment. Examples that spring to mind are her going for an early morning run last weekend and returning with news that "a lass in that block of flats at the end was getting a right good seeing to", and her ringing me up a long time ago brim full of excitement that one night the German girl living next door to her at uni had bought another girl home to the other side of a very thin wall. Funny how minds work though, because I also know for sure that 90% of the time, she hates the idea of being overheard herself.

I've only ever met one chick in my entire life who openly admitted to sharing our little hobby. No idea whether she still pursues chances as we're no longer in contact, but maybe she'll pop up on here one day... stranger things have happened.
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Re: my wife heard them too

Post by xyzdowme »

Unfortunately those were pre-portable recorder days. Now I always have my recorder with me just in case... :wink:
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