Time for the crime

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Time for the crime

Post by haigha »

So, we all know that this hobby of ours runs risks of illegality depending on where you are. I got caught because I was insane enough to actually walk into a flat where a girl was getting beautifully nailed! I managed to get out of there, but in an effort to retrieve my stuff (which I'd hidden nearby) ended up in a fight with the guy I'd been taping (he didn't get what was going on, and in fact thought I was trying to rob the place :P ). I knocked his ass flat, but in trying to get the fuck out of there, had to leave my things behind...including my ID in my jacket! So, the cops were all to able to pick me up, but when I realised I was nailed I just turned myself in.
I spent 2 months in jail, on charges of assault & criminal trespass, but got to keep the tape because I never let them know it was the REAL reason I was there! (The recording may even be in the archives here...or maybe not.)
So, has anyone else done time as a direct or indirect result of their pastime?
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Re: Time for the crime

Post by b8361811 »

Whooaaa... Your story sent a shiver down my spine. I hope this event did/does not have major consequences for your life.

This again reminds us all to stay safe! If not on our private premises, it is probably best to restrict ourselves to record those sounds, which can be publicly overheard. I think there is the fine line between what is OK and what is not OK. Pressing your ears or your recording device to a door or a wall from the _outside_: possibly OK. Pushing a mic under the door to the other side: possibly not OK. But still, everybody decides for himself/herself.

Best regards,
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Re: Time for the crime

Post by haigha »

I have to plead momentary insanity on this occasion, I guess: I was always as careful as I could be, and had been in that same building MANY times for the same purpose. But that night, I had just swung by to check things out fairly early in the night, and happened to hear that couple. Well, I wanted to listen, or record, or maybe even get off right in the hall (as I'd previously done) but it was a LOT busier at 9pm than at 3am! So, I took the chance and slipped into the room, imagining I'd slip out in time to not be noticed. They were at it for a good long while, though, and I took the further chance to try to SEE them. Therein lay my mistake, and that's when the trouble began.
So, soundpervs, remember that not only is it a slightly less illegal hobby, it's also safer because you can't see them...so they can't see you!
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Re: Time for the crime

Post by regnen11 »


I sometimes think of these as elements in a spy novel... the number one issue isn't to get a peek or get a good recording but to NOT be discovered.

Back in the day when I was more active at this hobby :-) I confess to losing a rig or two. For me, that was an inexpensive digital voice recorder and a microphone. If ever that happened, I shut down the project and went away.

I've only had two instances that required a more rapid retreat... again, several years ago -- a regular exercise program is a health smart choice and comes in handy when you have to take to your heels.

I recall the old Spiderman comic books -- he had "spidy-sense" -- some early indication that something was wrong. No superpowers here but I've aborted several observation attempts just because it "felt" wrong. Don't know what I missed but know that I've not spent time with the authorities.

Finally, I don't ever get in a spot without a planned "if X happens, I do Y" - acting just a bit "off" in a hotel corridor can be a handy -- not dangerous "off" but enough that you're a problem that they don't really want any part of...

Had a curious guy approach me in a corridor - he'd seen me walking and hanging around in the hallways on a couple of different floors - I was in "survey" mode at the time. He was a guest not an employee of the hotel -- He wanted to know "What the fuck are you doing?" <he'd been drinking a bit> -- I looked at him with a shocked expression and said in a low whisper - "You can see me?" - not the response he was expecting... I followed up with a quick look around and whispered, " When did get the chip out of your head?"

He looked confused and a little unsure... I followed up with the clincher -- " No, don't tell me - If I'm captured, they'll find out. The men with the black suitcases are in room (I don't recall what room number I gave him ) -- I'm in room 222 (not my room or floor btw) and have the radon detector on." I turned to go, motioning him to follow me. "Come on we'll be safe in my room". --- He backed away -- saying something like -- "No, dude. That's okay - you go ahead."

I said "Ok, but be extra careful." -- He went down the corridor, I went to the stair well and retreated back to my room. Packed it in. Didn't need him getting the hotel staff involved.

I keep this story ready in case a guest gets curious -- if he'd had agreed to come to my room - I'd have said great but that we'd have to take different routes to avoid notice -- he'd go one way and I'd go another.

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Re: Time for the crime

Post by haigha »

Oh my crap, Reg, that is hilarious! That story alone makes it worthwhile just to make people suspicious. :lol:
Seriously, I wish I knew what I was thinking (I guess that I could get out of there fast enough if need be). My fatal error was leaving shit behind...important shit, not just a tape recorder. That was the absolutely last time I was ever that insane, because really it's SO not worth it!
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Re: Time for the crime

Post by yeppie »

Wow Reg, for how long did you visit the drama school? I don´t think I´d be able to act like you without laughing myself to tears. Maybe that would even boost the effect :D
Thanks for the great story!
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Re: Time for the crime

Post by regnen11 »

No drama school but yes, back in the day I did a few stints with the local civic theater - never the star but then we can't all be Hamlet :-)

The trick is to have confidence --- be as "odd" as you like but project that confidence.

Glad you enjoyed the story - that's the only interesting "almost getting caught story" I have.

Unless you count getting caught trying to peek up some girl's skirt in 1st grade :-)

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Re: Time for the crime

Post by mini.xray »

Funny story :lol:
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