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Long term recording

Posted: 17 Nov 2023 22:53
by enigma63
I now have use of an appartment that I get to visit once every month for about a week at a time. The block has 4 appartments to a floor around a central lift/stair well and the main bedrooms are well away from the center so it's almost impossible to hear what's going on in them.

However all the main bedrooms have an ensuite bathroom that has a window that only opens into a utility shaft and of course sound from the bedrooms tends to drift through the bathroom into the utility shaft.

What I've been searching for is some sort of (probably) voice activated recording device which has a very long standby time (preferably up to a week)

I did wonder about something like this ... 0CFWHXX4F/

or this ... 08CXMN62G/

But does anyone have any other suggestions?

Re: Long term recording

Posted: 18 Nov 2023 09:30
by yeppie
Are you the only one who uses the appartment? Be careful if not to avoid getting into serious trouble.

I would try one of these devices, at this price you are not taking any risks. But I would probably not use the voice activated mode as the voices you are aiming at won´t be loud and constant enough and you might end with lots of toilet flushing recordings ;-)

Re: Long term recording

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 22:49
by enigma63
Yes, it's mostly just me and when anyone else is there I'm there as well.

I know, with all those utility pipes there will be lots of "water flowing down pipe" noise :roll:

I am thinking of using a bit of string to lower the recorder nearer to the flat below to see if that helps - the windows angle from the top so it's safe so long as I don't actually get as low as the window as no one can actually look up throgh the heavily frosted glass