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Ok I have one..

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 18:53
by edtraveller

Be the first to find my hidden USB recorder. It is in view, not concealed.

1st who does so gets 1 wk preview of my next decent recording before I upload.

Fellow Americans who lose this contest can request a Participation Award which I will happily furnish. I kid you guys not.. Those are huge over here in the world's last superpower.

There are two photos here and recorder is visible in both..

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 00:57
by pontifex13
I would guess the brownish plate just next to the door on the left in the first photo... it's on the right edge of the second photo, just in the middle.

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 04:12
by edtraveller
Not even close. Unlimited tries though. When you are sure you have it attach the photo marked with an arrow to the recorder or you can also crop the recorder out of the rest of the photo. Good luck!

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 04:14
by edtraveller
The object you are looking at is the room number plate.

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 15:43
by maninkilt69
thought I spotted it but it was a mark on my screen

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 18:57
by tweaktweak
I want to say it's the large white box above the molding on the left of the 1st pic and right on the second one. Mostly as a joke because that wouldn't be a great place to put it. But it is in both pics so who knows.
I'm too lazy to crop and point.

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 01 Dec 2016 19:48
by Quadrophenia1
Wild guess. First photo, there's a dark spot on the carpeting at lower left corner of the door on the left hand wall. In the second photo, I see a similar dark spot on the carpeting, just to the right of the doorway at the very far end of the hallway.

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 00:40
by edtraveller
Good description, Q but no. Keep trying

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 04:04
by physicist
Could it really be this??

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:08
by edtraveller
Hey Physicist - Thank you for being the first to actually supply a photo marking! Don't give up - but no - I am nowhere near either tall or limber enough to do something like that.

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:12
by edtraveller
Hey Everyone -

Weird as it seems - when you finally see it - there is no question - you will know it. Only hint I am giving.

I was thinking about when to end the contest. Obviously I want it to end when someone wins. But I don't want it to atrophy either. So here is the deal.

Contest stays open until I have my next capture. Not to worry - San Francisco was a complete bust so I don't have anything up my sleeve. I am hoping to stay again this Saturday evening and have similar luck as before. So the race is between finding my USB device and a lovely couple singing their passion to my recorder.

I have great faith though in the members here - I mean cmon - you are professionals at this stuff - good luck and keep at it!

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 09:01
by yeppie
gekko1, I really enjoy your idea for this fresh type of contest :-) ... although I found nothing that looks like a recorder - or is it just tooooo obvious?

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 09:18
by physicist
I thinkk i found it, its a white USB recorder on top of the ledge on the left side in the first pphoto.

i would crop it but the img isnt saving :/

ok fixed

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 10:14
by edtraveller
Physicist WINS
Thank you all for doing this.

Physicist, as soon as I capture, I will pm you the Dropbox link!

Re: Ok I have one..

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 10:26
by edtraveller