HOW TO. [Android]

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HOW TO. [Android]

Post by Oktrick »

Alright, new guy here. I couldn't believe how many people were asking ideas on how to listen to either audio / video.

I get an old android phone, i use a Motorola Droid MAXX.

The app is called IP Webcam. This lets you broadcast on your network for FREE. If you want to access it from another network, you would have to pay..

Anyways, i had results letting friends of mine stay in my bed over night because they were visiting out of state. def got some good footage of my phone taped to the wall behind a poster. You can access the video via a local web ip ( something like that, and it gives you options for video streaming, audio, zoom, and even flash control its a nifty app.

Good luck and happy listening!
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Re: HOW TO. [Android]

Post by reggind »

Thank you for mentioning that! There are a lot of cool things you can do with an old phone. In hackers circles I find it somewhat funny how they will trip over each other to buy a raspberry pi for something that does not require any GPIO but totally overlook an old android phone. They come with wifi, bluetooth, often noise canceling mics, front and back cameras, color displays, GPS modules, magnetic compasses etc. You get a lot of hardware to play with for not much cash. I use one of mine for an mp3/movie player, guitar tuner, beat box, inclinometer (fancy calibrated level) and a flashlight. I have another one that I keep on the table in the living room and if I want to google something quick, I can press the button and ask it. I am really growing to like that feature.
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Post by stev4181 »

Thanks guys, as a bit of a technophobe I haven't got a clue what your talking about. However what I do lnowistbat my iPod is by far thebeest recorder of sounds that I have. Not even sure this helps or was part of the conversation but it is a face 😎
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