Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on Community of Sexsoundlovers. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. You MUST be 18 to join this forum, if you are under 18 you are not allowed to register.

    Registration to this forum is free. We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you do not agree to the terms, please cancel the registration.

    Although the administrators and moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and the owner of will not be held responsible for the content of any message including attached files.

    All persons appearing on this site are at least 18 years of age. Any attempt to upload any type underage pornography to any of our servers, services, sites or forums will be reported to the authorities of the country of the sender. No exceptions - zero tolerance.

    Any hack attempts or above named violations will be reported to your ISP.

    All files on this site are submitted by users, we can not be held responsible for the files submitted by users. Users are responsible for complying with all applicable federal and state laws applicable to such content, including copyright laws.

    If there are files of you which you wish to be taken off, mail us ( and we will remove the files. Every image, sound or video appearing on this site is presumed to be of public domain, if not marked by any copyright signature.

    By submitting Content to Sexsoundlovers, you hereby grant Sexsoundlovers a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, publish, adapt, make available online or electronically transmit, and perform the Content in connection with the Service of Sexsoundlovers and its successors, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing in any media formats and through any media channels. These rights include (but are not limited to) podcasting, archiving and publishing on other websites. Nevertheless you are the owner of your contents and your rights to withdraw or share your works will not be limited.
    Any content on Sexsoundlovers that has been uploaded by other members may only be published on other websites or any other media if these channels also allow free distribution of their content and if a link to or notice of the origin ( is published with the content. Sexsoundlovers believes in Fair Sharing referring to creative commons attribution.

    The site is automatically filtered by a software that removes, to some extent, profanity before a post is displayed. We explicitly prohibit the posting of racist, inhumane and violent contents. We would also like to discourage political discussions. Furthermore, links to and/or discussions regarding 0-day servers, cracks and warez sites, and/or pirated software of any kind and/or censored are strictly forbidden.

    If an administrator or moderator notices posts with offending content, then the administrator or moderator will remove or edit the post without further notice to the author of the post. The forum owner has also the option to revoke the posting rights of forum members, either for a certain timespan or completely. We ask all visitors and members for an engaged but fair discussion, and for an acceptable choice of words. Please be courteous, and don't be offensive to other members. #
  2. To keep the Community away from trouble, please stick to these rules.

    When recording people, publishing your results is a delicate matter - that is why we have to be careful what we are doing. In general, don't do any harm to anybody.

    (1) Do not post illegal files such as
    - Containing minors
    - Copyright protected files
    - Sound recordings made using covert equipment, hidden mics, bugs and similar devices
    - As law differs from country to country, stick to your local rules also

    (2) When recording your neighbors (whether in hotels or at home), stick to (1).
    If your neighbors enjoy their activities loud enough to be heard from outside their location (that is for example from your room), we love to hear that.

    (3) Please respect your actors' privacy
    - No recording of conversation (that does not mean "uuuhh aaaahh baby")
    - No images (and videos) showing faces or other details if the person did not agree to the posting

    (4) No hardcore content
    - In images and videos
    - No sounds extracted from professional porn movies

    As we all love erotic sounds, I hope these new specific rules do not keep you away from posting new sounds. Without these rules, we probably will not be able to keep this community alive for a long time.

    What are the consequences of a violation of these rules?
    - If we know that a file does not match the rules, it will be removed.
    - Users are responsible for complying with the laws and rules applicable to their content.
    - Pornography containing minors is not tolerated. The author of the message will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

    These rules are work in progress. Please watch out for changes.
    If you would like to discuss the rules or if you think something is missing, you will find a thread in the subforum "Community". #