File editing and converting (changed 12 Nov 2024)

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File editing and converting (changed 12 Nov 2024)

Post by yeppie »

Some members have made it to their task to edit (denoise, amplify, ...) and/or to convert files into mp3 format. While this is generally welcome, I'd like everbody who adds to the forum in this way to consider a few points:
  • Please convert files to the original's rate. It adds nothing but size to a file if it gets converted to a higher bitrate.
    Exception: Some say a bitrate of 128 kbit/sec is the minimum setting so if the original is below that, converting it to 128 kbit/sec seems reasonable for the additional transformation.
  • Do not denoise too much. Nobody enjoys files that sound like a robot playing golf in a fridge ;-)
  • Do not rename files! Exception: you could / should add something like "edit", "denoised" to your edited result. This is not only a matter of respect towards the original creator but helps a lot finding both files later.
Speaking of respect: should you plan to edit files of other members it is recommended (but not necessary) to ask for allowance or at least say thanks to the original uploader.
Some of us don´t like their work to be changed. If we think a file needs editing, asking for it is a good idea.
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