Where do you have most success?

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Where do you have most success?

Post by myadpass »

I find that my most success has come in hotel rooms particularly in "party" areas. Vegas, New Orleans,etc. I've tried parks, parking lots at night, etc. but hotels are the most successful spots.
Hotel rooms between 12am and 3am are the best time for wins.
Most of the time I listen for the sounds as I walk the halls. Sometimes I try to stalk the lobby and follow good candidates - i.e. young, affectionate, drunk, etc.
When I do find an "active" room I typically will place the recorder next to the door, with an external mic peeking slightly underneath the door.
After placement I will typically walk 30 feet or so away from the door to act as a lookout. Occasionally if its a high activity area I will leave the immediate area for 5-10 mins at a time. Unfortunately I've lost a couple of recorders and mics this way.

What are your secrets to success?
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Joined: 13 Dec 2011 02:55
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Re: Where do you have most succesils?

Post by stev4181 »

As I don't often f go into hotels, I can't claim to have much success. If I am in a hotel then I'm with my wife and stalking corridors or looking out for young sexy couples would be frowned upon....lol. I have had a bit of luck with couples in tents. Typically small 2 man tents, as you can place a USB right next to their heads. A USB can be planted hours in advance without fear of it being found and easily retrieved after darkness. What I would say is I'm amazed how infrequently couples do have sex in tents! They tend to watch films on their phones and then fall asleep. How very inconsiderate of them..... Lol 😎
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