Archives´ Statistics February 2013

Listen to sexsounds for a complete month without interruptions! I won´t recommend that but you can do so now if you´re in need – just to let you know ;-) 214 new files in 108 days mean almost 2 new sounds a day so once more: Don´t miss the forum – there has never been that … Read more

Archives´ Statistics October 2012

Again over 2 gb which means 40 hours of new erotic sounds have been added since the last count four month ago (25 June 2012) with the Motel Sex category remaining the fastest growing (+189 files) but there are many new sounds from neighbors too. Don´t miss the forum – there has never been that much … Read more

Archives´ Statistics June 2012

Over 2 gb which means 40 hours of new erotic sounds have been added since the last count (13 February 2012) with the Motel Sex category remaining the fastest growing (+200 files). Members 1788 erotic sounds of members recording themselves Estimated playlist length: 268 hours 3 minutes Total file size: 8.6 gb Motel Sex 1803 erotic sounds from … Read more

Archives´ Statistics February 2012

Numbers for some categories had to be corrected – there have been some doublets in the December statistics. Nevertheless, 27 hours of new erotic listening pleasure have been added since the last count (4 December 2011). Especially the Motel Sex category is growing fast (+10 hours). Members 1726 erotic sounds Estimated playlist length: 260 hours 34 minutes Total … Read more

Sexsounds recorded in Hotels

Hotels are an inspiring place to have unrestrained sex. Good for the loving couple, great for the audio voyeur. Hotel sex sounds are usually recorded through the wall or from the floor. Hotel Sex recordings are our favorites at Sexsoundlovers. Not safe for work (not at all)! Headphones recommended. Foreign Couple In American Motel Noisy … Read more Episode 12

The first NEW podcast episode after three years of silence. Five sessions from motels in Germany, Spain and the USA. All sounds were taken from the Sexsoundlovers Community and the files archives. More episodes are in the making. Subscribe? ->